
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Change default path Documents,Pictures,Music,Videos in Libray in Windows7

Wondering you always have a risk that your windows might get crashed and you will loss data.
The way in which you can save your data is not to keep anything in your C: drive.
Keep each and every data that you want in other drives only.
If you re-install your windows then you will install it in C: drive thus you can retrieve your
data from other drives.

Now that you have done all the changes. You will feel that you need to go to other drive each and
every time you open the pictures folder.
You can change the default path of My documents, Pictures and videos.

1)Click Start, and then point to My Documents. Or click on the library button in the taskbar.

2)Right-click My Documents, and then click Properties.

3)Click the Target tab.

4)In the Target box, do one of the following:

a)Type the path to the folder location that you want, and then click OK. For example, D:\doc.
b)If the folder does not exist, the Create Message dialog box is displayed. Click Yes to create the folder, and then click OK.
Click Move, click the folder in which to store your documents, and then click OK twice.

c)If you need to create a new folder, click Make New Folder. Type a name for the folder, and then click OK twice.

5)In the Move Documents box, click Yes to move your documents to the new location, or click No to leave your documents in the original location.

I would like to thank microsoft support and for this post.

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